Optimizing Airway Management without medication for ALS providers
Learn critical airway management techniques — including use of video laryngoscopy and other advanced imaging devices, extraglottic devices, and cricothyrotomy.
Learn a simple approach to airway assessment.
Work with experienced faculty who know the unique challenges facing EMS providers.
Use proven airway devices in small group sessions.
Practice decision-making and airway techniques in Code AirwayTM stations.
Face the most challenging patient scenarios in a no-risk environment.
Meet your continuing education requirements. This one-day course is approved by CAPCE.
Hands-on Training in Crucial Airway Topics:
Difficult and failed airway management
Video laryngoscopy and other advanced imaging devices
Pediatric airway management
Endotracheal tube introducers (bougie)
Surgical cricothyrotomy
Extraglottic devices
Confirmation with capnography